Results matching “dark” from Jeanette Hada's Wellness and Happiness Blog

After an excellent appointment with my midwife's assistant/doula in Menlo Park, my friend and I headed to downtown Los Altos to indulge in something light and sweet at Satura Bakery. If you've not yet been, I highly suggest taking a trip there on a Thursday afternoon. After eating one of the best choux creams in my life, we walked over to the farmers market. This is one of the rare markets that stays open later in the day. We sampled different types of flavorful cherries that were sweet and not the least bit sour, hearty Jersey Brand milk cheeses, super sweet sweet peas, and dark juicy red strawberries. I left with five small, but crisp and sweet, organic white peaches from Kashiwase Farms, organic Spring Hill Farms garlic curds (made from fresh mozzarella), and also one of their pesto jack blocks, melt-in-your-mouth roasted rosemary fingerling potatoes (we ate those there), and a small basket of unusually pointy, but remarkably sweet strawberries!! Oh, and I also purchased five of Satura's choux creams for Naoki -- three vanilla and two green tea flavored. Forgive all of these foodcentric posts. Occupying my mind most of the time is food, house hunting for friends/clients and ourselves, and this baby.
2007 was an interesting year of new and interesting experiences.  There was some sadness with the end of certain projects and relationships, but also lots of happiness with the strengthening of old friendships, and the meeting and making of new friends from many places. I am thankful to have my family and friends in good health, a growing career that allows me to work independently (most of the time), and most of all a peaceful life. 

I wish all of you a very healthy, happy, and prosperous 2008!

On New Year's Day we celebrated 2008 by visiting our good friend who has prepared the traditional Japanese New Years dishes for us for the past couple years.  It was a little challenging as Naoki is vegetarian and I basically eat fish (ok, sometimes I'll have chicken, but it's rare these days).

She made my favorite dessert made from fresh Fuji apples and agar.  It makes for a lovely, gelatin-free, refreshing jello.  Everything was lovely and neatly sorted in a lacquered box.  My favorite is the soup she makes flavored with kelp and filled with savory bits of dark leafy greens, daikon, and mochi (which she first toasted in the oven).  The black beans that she prepared were soft and chewy in texture and slightly sweet.  The chestnut/sweet potato was hearty and a beautiful golden color.  Her anago rolled omelet was absolutely delicious and small rounds of seasoned taro were just a few of the items there.  What a wonderful and special treat to experience every year!  Pictures to follow at

Ok, obviously I'm a little obsessed with food and would love to share a few of my favorite foodie sites.  Some of these most people already know, but here they are just in case...
- This is an excellent site, where people can critique (rant or rave) about their experiences with different places they've visited.
- By far my favorite recipe site with pictures that will have those late night hunger pangs kick in.
- Another food lovers list of food-related movies
Using the serum and/or facial cream from the preservative/paraben-free skincare line and incorporating it with this lymphatic facial massage, we saw amazing and immediate results! This treatment has been receiving rave reviews from follows and new converts (like me) everywhere.

Stay tuned, I'll be providing unedited (non-Photoshopped) before and after shots. Interested in learning this process? Contact me for more information!

IseShrine1.2.JPG IseShrine1.JPG IseShrine1.3.JPG IseShrine1_minihomeshrine.JPG LunchinIse2.2.JPG IseShrine2_koipond.JPG IseShrine2.4.JPG Ise_dwntwn.JPG LunchinIse.JPG

Since our business meeting was rescheduled for Saturday, we set out to visit some local shrines in Ise, which is approximately an hour and a half away. All together we went to three different places and walked through lush green gardens that have over a thousand years of history. The crown prince of Japan was set to visit the following day so the shrines were exceptionally clean and in order.

The first place was hidden within the city and appeared to be well kept. Naoki informed me that they move and rebuild the shrines at the particular place every 20 years as the gods tend to get bored of staying in one place. To me, I guess any change after two decades in one place would be good.

The second location we went to next was my favorite. It was so vast and had a river running through it. To enter, a long wide wooden bridge needs to be crossed and lengthy pebbled walkways surrounded by trees and foliage of various hues of green shaded lead you to each god's shrine. When you approach, you make an offering (a coin or paper money will do), bow two times, clap twice, then give your thanks. Oh, I almost forgot. Every entrance to a shrine has a well or fountain with ladles to cleanse your hands (some people also use the water to rinse their mouths) before entering. Aside from the amazing scenery, I loved that this place was next to a shopping area. We had a delicious lunch (see photo) of marinated tuna over rice, a smoky flavored miso, cold noodle w/ half cooked egg (somen), pickled daikon, and a tiny seasoned tofu patty, scallop, and what appeared to be a small purse of tofu stuffed with mushrooms and vegetables. Yes, all of it was super delicious!

Our third place to visit was a shrine for a moon god. I'm not sure what that exactly means, but this was a very hidden location. Due to the overcast weather conditions, it was really dark and difficult to see. Four shrines in a row were set up. After Naoki and my in-laws attended each one, we left for home.

Green Tea for Health



For the past few months there have been numerous (but not new) reports on the benefits of drinking tea, especially the green kind! Naoki's family has a beautiful green tea farm in Mie, Japan and they are ready to ship 2007 spring leaves. The cut off date to order will be this Thursday, May 10.

This green tea tastes different and has a sweeter and fresher flavor than what is available in most stores here. It can be cold brewed as well as served hot. Please allow boiled water to cool for a few minutes before adding the delicate tea leaves to prevent burning, which can alter the taste. Hadaseicha's tea is dark green in color, has a bold taste and was carefully harvested by Naoki's parents. Orders are available only once a year and large orders can be stored in the freezer to preserve freshness. My mother likes to order the teabags in bulk and repackage them to give as gifts to her health-conscious clients.


One of our friends from Oklahoma sent us the most heavenly pieces of dark chocolate truffles! I would not be able to describe how decadent and delicious they are. They arrived in a modest looking pale wood box and were set in a gold foil tray wrapped beautifully in red tissue. Each of the 15 pieces of chocolate were well dusted with cocoa powder and melted almost instantly on the tongue. Every bite flooded the mouth with the most intense rich chocolate taste.

Yes, if I ever had to choose death by chocolate, I would choose to do so with these tiny pieces of happiness... (I'm speaking figuratively and not literally, of course.)

cranberryorangerelish2.JPG Ok, not the best picture, but this cranberry/orange relish is delicious with turkey. The color is off in this photo and it's actually a deep dark red with flecks of orange.

I used two containers of fresh cranberries, one navel orange cut into small pieces, xylitol, and pure blackberry honey. All of the fruit and honey is organic. After using the chop feature on the blender, I stored the contents in a jar for this Thursday's Thanksgiving dinner. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and/or a light dash of ground clove can be added.

To keep from overeating during the holidays, I'll usually have a light meal two hours before consisting of food that I'm used to eating on a daily basis, such as brown rice, fish or chicken and a dark green veggie on the side. When we arrive at my family's place, I'll use a small plate to keep portions under control. If I'm too lazy to fill a second serving, I've probably had enough to eat.

My sweet-loving family also always have a variety of desserts to gorge upon. Mom's pecan pie is my weakness, so I'll have a sliver and a nice hot cup of cinnamon tea to accompany it. This time I'll bring a lovely chocolate port from Sonoma Port Works (I blogged about this earlier) for my sister. It's heavenly drizzled on vanilla bean ice cream.

This is news to celebrate! Send me an email from now until the end of the year and I'll send you great health information and a free piece of my favorite dark chocolate :) jeanette337 at gmail dot com or visit my site and complete a contact form for two pieces of dark chocolate!


By Maggie Fox, Health and Science EditorTue Nov 14, 6:38 PM ET

They were so addicted, they just could not give up their favorite daily snack -- not even in the interest of science.

But chocolate lovers who flunked out of a Johns Hopkins University study on aspirin and heart disease helped researchers stumble on an explanation of why a little chocolate a day can cut the risk of heart attack.

Toxic Skincare


Once in a while I'll come across an truly amazing site that has information worth sharing. This is one of them! Better Skin Naturally lists common, but harmful ingredients and the reason to be cautious of them.

We are currently using a new skincare line from Japan that does not contain the harmful parabens or preservatives. So far the results have been dramatic; however, I did experience a cleansing reaction that the creator of the products mentioned might happen. I'm so impressed by the eye cream still. Prior to this I used eye gels/creams from L'Occitane, Chanel, Roc, Benefit (this one was pretty good too), and something by Perricone. Nothing, and I mean nothing could reduce the puffiness. The darkness did lighten up with some of the products, but only this Japanese paraben-free eye cream did the job. I'm kicking myself and wished I'd taken before and after shots.

Skincare update


It's been nearly three straight weeks using the skincare line we purchased from Japan and I must say I LOVE IT! Weird, but I can actually see the difference in texture and tone. Out of all the products, my favorites are the cleansing cream which really seems to even out my skintone/color, the skin lotion that tightens and moisturizes at the same time, and the eye cream. Don't get me started on the eye cream! I was happy using the ROC and another eye gel from L'Occitane, but this stuff has really reduced the puffiness and bags and even managed to lighten my dark circles.

Last weekend, I worked an event in Las Vegas and had more make up on than a drag queen/showgirl. It had to be a few layers thick. It usually would take a good scrubbing that would leave my face raw for a few hours to clean the stuff off, but the cleansing oil did a quick and mighty efficient job of removing every last bit of war paint I had on. It took nearly two hours to apply the make up and less than three minutes to wash it off without any irritation. So, I guess I love the cleansing oil which I thought I'd dislike.

The serum seems to work well for my husband (yes, he's using it too) and my girlfriend, but I stopped using it after the third day. Vitamin C products tend to cause redness and makes my face burn a bit.

Lastly, the skin cream which is thicker than the skin lotion works well as a night moisturizer, but is a little to heavy for day use. Using it in the evenings really does soften my skin though. Oh and after using the aftershave milk, I haven't had any ingrown hairs or abrasions after shaving my legs!

All-in-all I am really pleased with this product line and am looking forward to see what the company comes out with next! Stay tuned :)

Do parabens (preservatives) in skincare and cosmetics cause cancer? I'm not sure, but there have been a number of studies to show they do. Of course, there are still skeptics and a handful of people that say they don't and that the small amounts in their products aren't significant enough to cause any longterm damage. Others, including myself, wonder about the accumulative effects over time with multiple products. Parabens are in almost everything, even products that are touted as safe and natural. For those with a history of cancer in their family, I think extra care and consideration should be given to what we put in and on our bodies.

When our company recently launched a new paraben-free skincare line that uses a new technology utilizing bacteriostatic water to prevent bacteria growth, I thought it might be a good idea to do a little research. Aside from finding information online, what better way to learn about a new product than to use it?

There are seven (7) products total in this interesting assortment of skincare.

1. Cleansing oil
The idea of rubbing oil of any kind on my face to remove makeup seems foreign (and it is!). Many Japanese and Korean cosmetics have a cleansing oil in their line to gentle take off makeup. The texture is very light and not at all like olive oil or even baby oil. It does a fine job of lifting embedded dirt, foundation and eyeliner.

2. Cleansing cream
Included in our pack was a "foaming net" made from corn husk. It's a light and airy little net that does an amazing job of creating well, foam. It made the most luxurious lather which I couldn't seem to do with water and my hands alone. The cream contained fine particles of a special stone that does an excellent job of exfoliating and evening the skintone.

3. Skin lotion
When I think of "lotion", I think of a cream-based liquid, but this is a clear and very light moisturizing toner without any alcohol. It's cooling and moisturizes well without any heavy feeling.

4. Skin serum
Oh this contains vitamin C and a few other key ingredients meant to help with dark spots and improve dull looking, saggy skin. It's supposed to restore elasticity from within. (We'll see...)

5. Skin cream
This is the other product I really liked! It goes on light, but gives that extra moisture without feeling oily or heavy. It comes with a handy little spatula to pull out the perfect amount. I'll use this day and night.

6. Eye cream
I LOVE this stuff!! It's far better than anything else I've tried and really does live up to the hype. It's only been a few days and I've noticed significant different in a reduction of puffiness and definitely lightening of the dark circles.

7. Aftershave milk (for men or women to use as body lotion)
Haven't done this just yet, so stay tuned...

These products were developed and are currently only available in Japan. We are importing these products into the states until they're launched in the U.S., which is around a year or so from now. If you are interested in ordering them, please let me know. We can usually have them delivered directly to you via air shipping.


Blessed by beautiful sunny skies and warmer temperatures, I set out to attend this year's "Rivers of Chocolate" event in Saratoga, California. It was held at the picturesque Mountain Winery nestled high in the hills. We arrived early and were given tasty chocolates from Rocky Mountain Chocolates while we waited. Upon entering the event, we were handed commemorative wine glasses (to try the different spirits).

Since this was my first time visiting the winery, I anticipated a bunch of businesses lined up in an auditorium of sorts handing out samples of their chocolate specialties. What greeted us there was a lovely chateau, pitched white tents along the Plaza (including a few poolside), and a rustic two floored building, all housing the most delectable chocolate treats, savory dishes, and/or decadent icy dessert!

Warm bread pudding with white chocolate sauce from the talented young pastry chefs at Mission College, ahi tuna tartar on crisps from Spago, a variety of skewered items (cream puffs, rice krispie treats, strawberries, marshmallows, shortbread, brownies, etc.) to dunk under the white or dark chocolate fountains, tiramisu tarts, latte slushies, delightful cheeses from The Grapevine (Willow Glen - San Jose), Vemeer Dutch Chocolate Cream vodka over ice (two of the nicest ladies served these!), truffles laced with rose essence by Cacao Anasa, and the perfect chocolate coated marshmallow lollis by Schurra's Candy Factory were a few of the most memorable pleasures I indulged in.

On one floor, I fell in love with the Epoisses, a delicious and extremely soft French cheese, and on the second floor I went crazy for the chocolate port (Deco Port) from Sonoma Valley Portworks. Those two paired so wonderfully together, my dear friend was gracious enough to bring me to Beverages and More to pick up a bottle. (Yes, yes the true wine/cheese connoiseurs are probably balking at the combination, but my God I love it!) Now I need to wait til Tuesday to find my way to The Grapevine to buy that cheese!



Epoisses + Deco Port = LOVE

Mad Cow Disease


For over 30 years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture have been flirting with a mad cow disease epidemic. The public has largely been kept in the dark about regulatory decisions leading toward this potential public health catastrophe and even about the dangers associated with eating contaminated meat and meat products. Recently, some of the glaring deficiencies in the regulation of the U.S. meat production system were revealed when a cow with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was discovered in Washington.

Mad cow disease, or BSE, belongs to a group of related brain-wasting diseases known as "transmissible spongiform encephalopathies" (TSEs). While TSEs are known to occur spontaneously, they also are spread through cattle herds by feeding infected nervous system tissue to other animals. Beginning in the 1970s, the meat rendering industry began processing dead, dying, disabled, and diseased animals for use in livestock feed--and pet feed--as a way to increase the protein consumption of cattle, pigs, sheep, and poultry (cattle can get the disease by eating less than one gram of diseased meat and bone meal fed to them as a protein source). Consequently, these quasi-cannibalistic feeding practices quickly spread the fatal TSE diseases, resulting in hundreds of thousands of diseased animals, some of which ended up in the food supply in Britain and Europe. Over 140 people in Britain have been infected with vCJD from contaminated beef.

Humans who eat contaminated beef products are at risk of contracting the human version of mad cow disease known as new variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (vCJD). The disease slowly eats holes in the brain over a matter of years, turning it sponge-like, and invariably results in death. There is no known cure, treatment, or vaccine for TSE diseases.

Tissue from infected cows' central nervous systems (including brain or spinal cord) is the most infectious part of a cow. Such tissue may be found in hot dogs, taco fillings, bologna and other products containing gelatin, and ground or chopped meat. The process of stripping every last piece of meat from a cow carcass, including connective tissue from bone, can contaminate this meat with infected nervous system tissue. Transmission of vCJD between people has also occurred in over two-dozen cases as a result of transplants or injections of body tissue from infected people.

Despite the adoption of additional safeguards following the discovery of mad cow in the United States, the FDA still allows the risky practice of recycling animal offal into feed: ruminant animals (cattle, sheep, goats, deer) are fed to non-ruminants (pigs and poultry), and these non-ruminants are rendered and fed back to ruminants. Such practices are banned in Britain and Europe. Also, in spite of the wake-up call the FDA and the USDA recently received, only a small percentage of slaughtered or soon-to-be slaughtered cows are tested for BSE in the U.S. By contrast, Britain tests 70 percent of its beef cattle and Japan tests 100 percent.

So far, none of the vCJD cases diagnosed in the U.S. have been linked to domestically-produced beef, but this fact may have little bearing on the reality of the situation: the disease has a long incubation period and few dementia-related deaths in the U.S. are investigated. Creutzfeld-Jakob disease is not yet a reportable disease with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

CFS seeks to make CJD a reportable disease so occurrences can be tracked, and to plug the loopholes that still exist in FDA and USDA regulations, i.e., require testing of all cattle over 20 months of age and ban all animal products from feed.

Jeanette Lee Hada

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