Results matching “thankful” from Jeanette Hada's Wellness and Happiness Blog

Life is good.

It's been a year or nearly a year since I last posted anything here.  I am happy seeing my daughter grow and never thought life could be this good.  Finding time to juggle family, work and everything else in between is a challenge. 

Thankfully I am able to stay connected with friends, family, and clients via a combination of email and Facebook.  I don't mind that it's considered the new "AOL" or too trendy, I enjoy how easy it is to stay in touch.

We are still in our lovely Craftsman gingerbread home.  The market is still a little rocky, but definitely improving.  Can't wait to see more summer fruit this year.  Loquats have been plentiful.  Pluots and peaches are my favorite.  Photos to come

It's 2:16 a.m. and Aislee is sleeping in my lap.  She's growing amazingly fast and is really active these days.  It's been challenging for her fighting her first real cold.  She'll wake up several times frustrated with her stuffy nose.

I've been thinking how incredibly different life has changed with the baby.   I wouldn't have it any other way.  It's almost frightening how much I love this tiny human.  The funny thing is, before she was born, my dear friend told me that it's important to not neglect the husband when the baby arrived.  It's been non-stop taking care of her that there really is no time to pay attention to Naoki or really myself these past several months.  Taking a shower uninterrupted is a luxury and I'm thankful when papa is able to take Aislee for a walk while I handle a few household chores.  He spends most of his free time caring for the house and garden.  What's interesting and a little funny, is that after you have this cute little one with small everything and inquisitive expressions, anything that was remotely cute or appealing in your partner ceases to be...well, cute.  Suddenly, the baby has taken control of all that is cute.  Not even Lucky, our comedic bird, can compete.

Other observations of life with baby...  Buying new clothes, shoes, makeup is no longer a necessity.  It has been replaced by buying food, toys (for baby), and diapers.  I wear mostly what's comfortable now.  Her comfort and well-being is my top  priority.  So far, I've been blessed with clients who are baby-friendly. She comes with me everywhere -- even to tour properties.

I never thought becoming a mother would incur so many changes.  The pressure cooker Naoki purchased is a lifesaver.  It makes healthy baby food in minutes!  I'll try chubbing Aislee up with avocados, sweet potatos, and bananas.  She loves Japanese pumpkin, kabocha, which cooks beautifully in the pressure cooker.  I add a little cinnamon sometimes.  She seems to enjoy it.

Finding time to eat for myself has been difficult while juggling caring for the baby and working.  Making sandwiches enables me to eat and have a free hand while eating.  My current addiction is Trader Joe's Garlic Cheddar Sourdough toasted and smothered with avocado on one side and thinly sliced cucumbers and cream cheese.  Sometimes I'll slather raspberry jam and a savory speadable cheese on the same bread which is super good as well.

Ok, time for us to move to the Sun Room to sleep.  This is where we now have our bedroom.  The Star Room is our library/office, the Moon Room is also an office (that's in serious need of cleaning).  I work in the Fire Room most of the time and the Sky Room (aka the dining room is used for gatherings.  We'll be hosting Aislee's first birthday in July and hope to see some of you here at our gingerbread house.

As I sit under the warmth of the much appreciated kotatsu (heater table) with my daughter sleeping peacefully in my arms, I can't believe a half year has already passed since living in our home.  For nearly three weeks two months ago, we dealt with uncomfortably cold weather and met with the challenges of staying warm in an older (109 yrs old) home while making an effort to keep the PG&E expenses down.  With all my complaining and grouching, our last two bills came in under $100 dollars!  Even while living in our tiny condo, our electricity bill usually fluctuated around $150.

I've really come to love this house with it's beautifully painted rooms.  Naoki finished the Venetian plaster in the sun room and recently the star room.  He did a wonderful job and they look wonderful and bring a warmer feeling to the house.   

Life has been busy with family and business.  We've been blessed in both areas.  Naoki's mother and sister came for a brief nine day stay. They really enjoyed all the tasty fruit (navel oranges, pummelos, fuji apples, and oro blancos) that are in season from the farmers market in Campbell.  I made a garlicky spinach pasta with fresh Meyer lemons from our yard one night.  It came out very well, though I would have liked it to be spicier...recipe to follow.

In business, I feel very fortunate and again blessed to be working with so many incredible people.  My listing in San Bruno thankfully sold and the seller is buying a lovely place to call home in Sacramento.  Four deals have closed this year so far and with another in escrow, there is much to be appeciative for.  Although the news is always painting a bleak outlook, they are usually behind in reporting how things are looking up.

Back to talking about home...  We have nearly 50 fruit plants/trees in our yard now.  The potatoes are sprouting in the crop circle Naoki made.  The blossoms are radiant on Aislee's white peach / white nectarine tree and on the Georgia Peach tree we adopted from a home in Palo Alto.  I'm looking forward to making fruit pies if the fat squirrels don't get to them first.

The old avocado tree that came with this house bears California Diablo avocados.  They're smoother and creamier than Hass and have a thinner skin.  They take two weeks to ripen once picked from the tree.  Hopefully we'll have more growing as I love avocado sandwiches on toasted bread with Japanese mayonnaise (Kewpie brand) and slices of cold cucumber! So good!!  I could go off on a tangent when it comes to avocados...  Actually it looks like I did.

Ok, on to the pasta recipe -

Boil your preferred pasta al dente (slightly undercooked) as you'll be adding it to another pan to mix in with the garlic lemon sauce.

1. In a large sauce pan drizzle a tablespoon of grapeseed oil (olive oil is fine too) and a pat of butter, heat on medium flame.
2. Add crushed garlic, approximately 5 - 7 cloves
3. Sprinkle a teaspoon (or more depending on your heat preference) of red pepper flakes
4. Add a few pinches of salt to meld flavors, more can be added later to adjust
5. Careful not to burn the garlic, give your mixture a few pushes around your pan.
6. Once garlic is crisp, add spinach and pasta.
7. Mix everything well til spinach is cooked, adding a touch more oil or butter as needed.
8. Finally add thinly sliced lemon wedges of one lemon or juice lemon and add it's zest.


Long time no post

My baby girl, Aislee, was born on Monday, July 21, 2008 at 8:35 a.m.  It's been a rollercoaster ride adapting to life with this tiny human.  She is almost 11 weeks and looks more child/infant-like than a newborn now, though she's still technically a newborn til three months.

Here's her birth story...

Our baby girl, Aislee Reika Hada, was born unexpectedly this past Monday, July 21 at 8:35 a.m.  She weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 inches in length. (Estimated Due Date: 07/28)


We had originally planned early on to have a home/waterbirth, but along the way Aislee's growth and amniotic fluid levels became a concern, so my midwife declined my request for a homebirth at 37 weeks due to possible risks.  Scrambling to find an OB closer to home, I was referred to one that determined it was necessary to schedule an immediate inducement with a possibility of a cesarean.  I consumed large amounts of water and supplements and went to a specialist for a second opinion the next day. They found the baby to be in perfect health at the appropriate size with plenty of fluid, which the inferior ultrasound equipment did not pick up at that OB's office.  (Thank God for second opinions)

This past Friday after having issues over giving birth at a hospital, I requested my midwife to reconsider my birth plans.  She replied on Sunday that she was leaning towards granting my request if I would make additional preparations for postpartum care.  Later that evening after eating a bag of oatmeal cookies and a half loaf of lasagna, I went into labor...which I thought to be just a digestive problem from overindulgence.  I called the midwife at 3 a.m.  Her assistant arrived at 4 a.m. when active labor kicked in.  The midwife came around 6 a.m. and Naoki finished filling the birthing tub at 7 a.m. (too late, I wasn't about to climb into a tub at that point - thankfully the task had kept him busy though).  The baby was born on land naturally, not in water as planned, at 8:35 a.m.  She's healthy, alert, and very feisty.

Pics can be seen at

I had an informal loan consultation with a lovely couple last night.  Thankfully I was sitting down most of the time as hours before I had taken quite a fall and ripped a nasty hole in my pants.  Lesson running across the street during the rain while holding a heavy bag of Chinese food wearing 3.5" heels.  Luckily I fell on my knees instead of my stomach or face.  A very nice woman and elderly man picked me up while won ton soup ran out of my bag and off my pants.  The funny elderly man picked a dime up that was also soaked in soup and asked if was mine.  Still in shock I took it and thanked them both.  Of course, it would be my luck that I fell at a busy intersection in front of the huge window of Wells Fargo Bank which is located on the corner near my office.

This morning I woke up sore with the blanket stuck to my bloodied knee.  I think I'll invest in some flat shoes and knee pads...

I will smother my boo boo with Emprizone, an aloe based gel.  Thankfully it doesn't burn and seems to heal my injuries rather quickly.

Please note: It looks like I have chicken skin in the photo below, but those are badly bruised hair follicles. yes, gross, but true.

2007 was an interesting year of new and interesting experiences.  There was some sadness with the end of certain projects and relationships, but also lots of happiness with the strengthening of old friendships, and the meeting and making of new friends from many places. I am thankful to have my family and friends in good health, a growing career that allows me to work independently (most of the time), and most of all a peaceful life. 

I wish all of you a very healthy, happy, and prosperous 2008!

On New Year's Day we celebrated 2008 by visiting our good friend who has prepared the traditional Japanese New Years dishes for us for the past couple years.  It was a little challenging as Naoki is vegetarian and I basically eat fish (ok, sometimes I'll have chicken, but it's rare these days).

She made my favorite dessert made from fresh Fuji apples and agar.  It makes for a lovely, gelatin-free, refreshing jello.  Everything was lovely and neatly sorted in a lacquered box.  My favorite is the soup she makes flavored with kelp and filled with savory bits of dark leafy greens, daikon, and mochi (which she first toasted in the oven).  The black beans that she prepared were soft and chewy in texture and slightly sweet.  The chestnut/sweet potato was hearty and a beautiful golden color.  Her anago rolled omelet was absolutely delicious and small rounds of seasoned taro were just a few of the items there.  What a wonderful and special treat to experience every year!  Pictures to follow at

Ok, obviously I'm a little obsessed with food and would love to share a few of my favorite foodie sites.  Some of these most people already know, but here they are just in case...
- This is an excellent site, where people can critique (rant or rave) about their experiences with different places they've visited.
- By far my favorite recipe site with pictures that will have those late night hunger pangs kick in.
- Another food lovers list of food-related movies

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I did not write the following, but do share the same sentiment and thought it was brilliantly written... enjoy.

The holidays are upon us once again, and once again it is time to be grateful.  With all the negative media these days, I wanted to remind you that many wonderful things are happening despite what you may hear in the news.


A Silver Lining in the Housing Market


     The media always loves to focus on the negative, and it may get you doing so as well-well, don't.  The book and DVD called The Secret show pretty conclusively that whatever you focus on becomes your experience, i.e., whatever your worry about ends up happening. You know me, I always focus on the positive-well, here it goes:


POSITIVE #1:  Since the housing market has slowed down, more people are saving.  More savings provide more funds for banks to loan to homebuyers.


POSITIVE #2:  Since the increase in gas prices, people are driving less, buying more energy-efficient cars, and starting to install more solar features in their  homes-all good for the environment. People also are starting to move to the inner city, great for revitalizing downtown areas and giving families more time to spend at home with one another.


POSITIVE #3:  The fall in the dollar is helping our economy because foreign consumers are buying more of our products, taking more vacations here, and helping our trade imbalance.


POSITIVE #4:  The subprime lenders had sold homes to people who could not afford them anyway.  Now those less-expensive foreclosures are being bought by people who otherwise could not have afforded a home.


POSITIVE #5:   The slowdown in the housing market is confined to those areas that went up too fast, anyway-i.e., Florida; Washington, DC; New York; California; Las Vegas; and Arizona.  Now the locals there once again can afford to buy a home.  


     So savings are up, we are using less gas and moving back to the inner city, more people are concerned about conserving energy, our trade deficit is improving, and more deserving Americans are able to afford a home.  We also live in the best place in the world-what could be better? 


     Be grateful and enjoy your Thanksgiving.   God bless you all.


SOURCE:  "Housing Prices are Down, Oil is Up, and That's Not Really So Bad,"  New York Times, November 14, pp. A1 and A20.

On the hunt for a new property


This past weekend was spent looking for multiple unit properties to both and live and invest in. After viewing about eight different places, I came home feeling very thankful for our tiny (but well kept and quiet) home. We'd like to find a place with a good school district, and possibly upgrade the property to include eco and health friendly flooring, paint, and water filteration systems.

It seems a million dollars doesn't get you very much in the Bay Area these days. That's not exactly our budget, but it's the going rate for many of the plex properties in the 40 year old range in the South Bay.

Please read on if you would like a list of valuable real estate resources.


Beautiful white peaches from Kashiwase Farms (Organic, specializing in stone fruit, almonds, and Asian pears (yum!))

Today we headed to the Farmers Market at Santana Row. Thankfully the crowd was light, as I believe most people were swarming around downtown San Jose for the Grand Prix racing event. There were quite a few certified farmers there and a handful of organic vendors as well. We left with decent sized bags of delicious white peaches, white nectarines, shiney red plums, juicy strawberries, and one crisp, j-shaped Armenian cucumber - all organic of course!

Afterwards we made a quick stop over at the Great Mall in Milpitas for something to eat and to get a bit of exercise in. Window shopping at a mall that's the size of four football fields definitely counts as exercise.

This particular mall has a mix of really cool and some seriously junkie stores. I usually have a lot of fun visiting the accessory shops that sell all types of sparkley stuff. It's a bad case of "Magpie Syndrome", being attracted by things that glitter and catch the light. Maybe it was from being full or from shopping the day before at the Gilroy Outlets, but I couldn't find anything to purchase even though there were some excellent sales going on.

Stewart Mineral Springs


This is a photo of the stream where you can cool off after your tub soak and sauna. It's located behind the main building.

About a week ago, we stopped at Stewart Mineral Springs on the way home from our mini Mt. Shasta vacation (more on that to come).

The recommended course is to soak in your own personal (no sharing, thank goodness) tub for eight minutes, sit in the dry sauna to sweat out more toxins, and then cool off in either the showers provided or in the cold water mineral springs. You're advised to do this three times and three times only. Oh and due to the high silica content, don't rub your skin while soaking in your hot mineral bath. If you develop skin irritation, it's supposedly due to a cleansing reaction and they have topical products to apply if this happens.

I started my bath by filling the tub with scalding hot mineral water, then did the toe dip test. After burning myself, I ran cold water to get it to a more comfortable temperature. As I perched on the edge of my tub, I noticed a knotted rope hanging from the ceiling. My first assumption was that some of their elderly patrons may have difficulty getting in and out of the tub and needed the extra support.

Once the water reached a tolerable level of slightly less hot than just boiled water, I stepped in, slipped, screamed and shouted an expletive. All this while new age music played and sage was being burned for the people meditating in the other room. I now know that mineral water from Stewart Springs is slippery and that the rope is there is for everyone, not just the elderly or disabled.

Shaken from my fall, I sat in my tub (thankfully alone) and nervously began to rub my legs and arms. Settling into the warmth and relaxing to the music, I was beginning to enjoy the experience, until the feeling of stabbing needles caught my attention. I'd forgotten about the whole "no rubbing" thing and now the silica had made tiny scratches on my legs and arms, so I got out and headed to the dry sauna.

Five minutes in the sauna was enough, then I headed to cool off in the springs outside.

Jeanette Lee Hada

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