Results matching “Aislee” from Naoki Hada: Healthy, Lucky, Wealthy & Happy with HadaSeicha's Green Tea

Some tips I got trapped.


We need Mac to create provision file. Windows only environment does not work. I got Mac mini. We need to pay $100 to be iOs developer.


It requires "iPhone certificate" file. File extension is .p12. We need to create from KeyChain on Mac. When we create we need to select "iPhone Developer Certificate" and "Personal Secret Key" and click to export as P12 file. One file will be created with password.


This file can be created on Windows after some part on Mac.


When we deploy through we need drag and drop mobileprovision file. IPA file will be added by just double clicking.


It does not work Java 64 bit version. So I installed 32 bit version on C:\java32\ folder. But still command line called 64bit version even after I changed PATH. So I modified pfi.bat file.


@java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -jar "%~dp0\..\lib\pfi.jar" %*


C:\java32\jdk1.6.0_22\bin\java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -jar "%~dp0\..\lib\pfi.jar" %*

Package batch file

Parameter is long. So it's better to make a batch file. Here's sample.
C:\packagerforiphone\bin\pfi -package -target ipa-test -provisioning-profile "Jeanette_Loan_Calc.mobileprovision" -storetype pkcs12 -keystore "iOs_Dev_Naoki.p12" -storepass PASSWORD "loan_calc.ipa" "loan_calc-app.xml" "loan_calc.swf"

app.xml file

Here's bare minimum but working sample for above loan_calc-app.xml file. It is for iPhone and iPad.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<application xmlns="">
<!-- To localize the description, use the following format for the description element.<description><text xml:lang="en">English App description goes here</text><text xml:lang="fr">French App description goes here</text><text xml:lang="ja">Japanese App description goes here</text></description>-->
  <name>Jeanette Hada Loan Calc</name>
<!-- To localize the name, use the following format for the name element.<name><text xml:lang="en">English App name goes here</text><text xml:lang="fr">French App name goes here</text><text xml:lang="ja">Japanese App name goes here</text></name>-->



Now I can convert kids app I made for Aislee for iPad.

Thank you,

Contact Form(Question, Order, etc) | Order HadaSeicha green tea | 日本語ページ

3rd_day-8.jpg 20080913-1.jpg 20081031-CRW_3759.jpg 20081228-_MG_4625.jpg 20090425-IMG_0108.jpg 20090621-IMG_0550.jpg 20090518-IMG_0268.jpg 20090703-IMG_1155.jpg 20090729-IMG_2291.jpg 20090721-IMG_2183.jpg 20090913-IMG_3157.jpg 20090925-IMG_3514.jpg 20090921-IMG_3462.jpg 20091004-IMG_3835.jpg 20091122-IMG_4626.jpg 20091219-_MG_1908.jpg 20100103-IMG_5824.jpg 20100115-_MG_2127.jpg 20100109-_MG_2046.jpg 20100131-IMG_6550.jpg 20100303-_MG_2637.jpg 20100319-IMG_7507.jpg 20100313-IMG_7351.jpg 20100424-IMG_8778.jpg 20100427-IMG_8885.jpg 20100516-IMG_9404.jpg 20100606-_MG_3448-2.jpg 20100530-IMG_9922.jpg 20100612-IMG_0237.jpg 20100606-IMG_0080.jpg

Because of Aislee I became papa.

Thank you very much.


Contact Form(Question, Order, etc) | Order HadaSeicha green tea | 日本語ページ

Aislee became 1 year old this week.

She was born at home. There were 4 people. (Mama, Papa, Midwife and assistant).

For her 1 year birthday party, over 40 people came.

Thank you very much for all.

After 1 year:


Before 1 year.


Every day is the best day of life.

Thank you,

Contact Form(Question, Order, etc) | Order HadaSeicha green tea | 日本語ページ

 20090302-_MG_5509.jpg I've recieved this word while I was gardening a couple days ago.

I had no idea then.

But I think it's better to follow our own heart rather than someone judge us.

Thank you,

Contact Form(Question, Order, etc) | Order HadaSeicha green tea | 日本語ページ

 20090103-_MG_4760.jpg For 2008, word of the year for me was "Today is the best day of life".

If we say so, it will become. And next day we can say again, it will be better than yesterday.

If we say, we may think how should we spend time on my special day. Even we see some unhappy people some where, we don't need to care. They may be not in the best day of life. But we are in the best day of life.

Some guru said to focus on "now" and "now" is the best time of life. But I could not. When I was hungry, I was not really happy about that.

But if we are in the best of day life, we know we will eat something delicious later the day. It happens.

Another version is "today is the last day of life". We don't need to say. But if we think that is OK as last day, we may take extra step and avoid procrastination. If we take one extra step every day, some thing will be changed.

So it is my favorit word now. Try 3 days, you will see difference.

Thank you,


Contact Form(Question, Order, etc) | Order HadaSeicha green tea | 日本語ページ

Our first child Aislee Reika Hada come out on 7/21.

Since then our life changed a lot and had lots of fun.

Here's her blog and photos:


Thank you,

Contact Form(Question, Order, etc) | Order HadaSeicha green tea | 日本語ページ


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