Results matching “sleep” from Aislee Reika Hada / 羽田麗花(アイズリー)

20110102-_MG_6141.jpgAislee's dictionary:

  • Moon: Moon or something in round shape
  • Moon Cracker = Japanese rice cracker (サラダせんべい)
  • Tunnel = She just like to say.
  • Star = sounds like 'tar" (s is missing)
  • Banana = sounds like "manana"
  • Butter fly = sounds like "phata fay???"
  • Thank you = sounds like "chen che???"
  • Fish = fish or her favorite fish toy
  • Woo nice! = her favorite expression
  • Happy = she say often when she go sleep
  • Ice cream = She is allergic to all deli. So it means fruit sorbet.
  • Mam mam = food. She don's say any more.


  • もも=桃
  • はっぱ=葉っぱ

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Aislee woke up night with screaming probably from not good dream. It was 1st time. Mama was very surprised. After that, aislee looked for mama and papa, closed eyes, opened eyes and looked for mama and papa again. Papa was sleeping all the time.

The pig costume is from grandma.





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Aislee had another allergy reaction on Oct 2. We were not sure what happened.

Probably mama eat lentil soup and drunk water from cup. Aislee drink water from same cup. We knew she has some reaction from lentil, but we did not know it was so sensetive. After 10-15 min, Aislee face, leg and arm got many hives.

We needed to use Benadryl (Diphenhydramine). It was lucky we did not need to use EpiPen (epinephrine) or go to ER. Mama and papa just got lack of sleep by watching Aislee's sleeping.

We know she has allegy for all tree nuts (including pea nuts), egg, milk, soy, oat, wheat, chick pea and lentil. Probably it is getting better, but we need to be careful still.

Thank you. -Naoki


たぶん、ママがレンズ豆のスープを食べてコップから水を飲んでいて、そのコップから麗花さんが水を飲んだというのが原因のようです。レンズ豆でちょっとかゆくなる反応が出るのは知っていましたが、こんなに敏感だとは思いませんでした。 10-15分後には、顔や手足が蚊に刺されたように、膨れてきていました。

Benadryl(ベナドリル:ジフェンヒドラミン Diphenhydramine)を使う必要がありました。 でも、ラッキーなことに、エピピンを使う必要と、救急病院に行かなくてもすみました。 ママとパパは、寝ているときに呼吸困難にならないかと見ていて、寝不足になったくらいでよかったです。

麗花さんがアレルギーと分かっているのは、木の実とピーナッツ、卵、牛乳、大豆、オート麦、小麦、ヒヨコ豆、レンズ豆です。 そのうち、よくなって来るでしょうけど、いましばらくは注意が必要のようです。

Thank you. -Naoki

Allergy reaction / アレルギー反応の時

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Next day / 次の日

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Aislee's first girlfriend

A few weeks ago Aislee, her papa and I visited Mia and her parents.  We had a lovely dinner followed by Beard Papa cream puffs - yum!  Baby Mia and Aislee fell asleep afterward while listening to lullabys.  In this photo both Papas are holding their daughters.

Just a month ago, Aislee was smaller than one of our pillows.  It's difficult to tell from this photo, but she's laying on a pillow which is resting on my lap while I try to get some work done.  Not even stretched out, she's longer than the pillow now!

Today we went to Palo Alto to pick up her portable Fisher Price Rainforest swing (pictures to follow).  There we met a 10 month old little boy who was only slightly larger than she was.  In just 1.5 weeks, she'll officially be an "infant" at 3 months old and no longer considered a "newborn". 


Too Hot

90+ degrees in the house and hotter outside...must sleep in cooling frog position and dream of swimming...

Maybe dad will build a swimming pool in the basement after he finishes painting our gingerbread house.
Monday was Aislee's fourth week / one month out of the womb!  She is still sleeping quite a bit, but manages to stay awake about 25% of the time (sometimes at 4 a.m. -_-). 

A few posts earlier, I mentioned Colic-Ease Gripe Water.  The stuff really works on hiccups.  This baby was hiccuping in the belly, after she eats, after she cries, and occasionally just for no reason at all.  The book "What to Expect the First Year" mentions that all that hiccuping does not bother the baby.  Well, it definitely bothers this one.

Here's a photo of Aislee passed out after I gave her a shot of the stuff.

Happy sleeping baby

Since Aislee was born, she's smiled and laughed (out loud and silently) in her sleep.  In her waking moments, she's pretty quiet except for crying when she's hungry, needs a diaper change, and/or is bored of being in one place. 

I mentioned to my dear friend yesterday, I don't remember having done this much laundry in my life, that goes for dishes too.  Cloth diapers are bum-friendly (when changed frequently), but it seems as though we go through up to 20 diapers for changing and wiping up daily.  At night, I prefer to use disposable so I don't have to struggle with the little plastic panty that goes over the cloth diaper.  I just placed an order on BabyCenter's store for five all-in-one newborn diapers.  They're made of cloth with the plastic liner attached and they close with velcro like disposables.  Hopefully they'll make the whole changing easier on both of us.
I've got to remember not to comb her hair to the side.  She looks like a little boy with it parted that way...

Naptime for Aislee and Dad

This photo isn't nearly as embarrassing as the one of me after I'd given birth (thanks Honey).  Here Aislee and dad are catching up on sleep.  For the first few days all of us were on the same sleep schedule. 

We had decided to use cloth diapers as they seemed kinder to baby's skin and the environment; however, at the moment we're using disposables for convenience.  At first, we were advised to use Pamper's Swaddlers for newborns, but Aislee's backside looked irritated and red after using Huggies and the Pampers.  We lucked out on finding Seventh Generation disposables.  They're made with softer material and are latex free.  The ruffle that hugs the thigh is so cute too!

If you're in need of purchasing diapers, I'd recommend ordering online through can use code: HEAL6039 to get $10 off your first order and they'll ship for free on orders over $50.

Still sleeping... -_- zzz


aislee.jpgEvery day she looks different and is growing very quickly.  90% of my photos are of her sleeping since my hands are full when she's awake either feeding, burping, changing, or holding her.

She laughs and smiles a lot while sleeping.  These past two days she's been much more alert and taking in her surroundings.  I'll try to post pictures of her with her eyes open.

When she was still in the belly, I used to place headphones against it and play lullabyes...not the typical ones, but songs that have been converted from our favorite artists like The Cure, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, etc.  She seems to fall asleep and relax easier when I play the same music now.

You can sample a few of them here



Aislee Reika Hada 羽田麗花(アイズリー)

Aislee Reika Hada

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